The Ultimate Chocolate Cupcake Recipe!

The Ultimate Chocolate Cupcake Recipe!


Cupcakes are a cute sweet creation that gives us a heavenly experience. And when it’s chocolate cupcakes, your taste buds are definitely in for an ultimate treat. You must have been buying the cupcakes from local bakeries or online bakeries, but do you know a little secret behind how these heavenly delights are prepared? Cupcakes can be easily baked and prepared at home in no time. Yes! They are very easy to bake, and with our recipe, you will be making sweet and delicious cupcakes like professionals. So, all the chocolate fans reading, get ready with all your baking tools and ingredients to bake the moist and luscious chocolate cupcakes!

The Ultimate Chocolate Cupcake Recipe!


  • ½ cup unsweetened natural cocoa powder (45g)
  • ¾ cup all-purpose flour (95g)
  • ¾ tsp baking powder
  • 2 large eggs
  • ½ cup granulated sugar (100g)
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • ½ cup buttermilk (120ml)
  • ⅓ cup vegetable or canola oil (or melted coconut oil) (80ml)
  • ½ cup packed light brown sugar (100g)
  • Frosting: Chocolate buttercream


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a twelve cup biscuit pan with cupcake liners. Line a second pan with two liners. Now set it aside. (This recipe will produce around 14 cupcakes.)
  • Whisk the cocoa powder, flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt together in a big bowl until completely joined. Now keep it aside. In a different medium-sized bowl, whisk the granulated sugar, eggs, oil, brown sugar, and vanilla together until mixed thoroughly. Pour half of the wet ingredients into the dry ones. Now add half of the buttermilk. Slowly whisk it for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the same with the remaining wet ingredients and buttermilk. Mix until they are combined; don’t overmix. The batter will get thin.
  • Empty or spoon the batter into the liners. Fill just halfway to abstain from overflowing the sides or sinking. Heat for around 18 to 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle says it all. Now allow it to cool totally before icing.
  • Now comes the frosting part. Ice the cooled cupcakes any way you’d like. Use any piping tip to frost your cupcakes perfectly. Now top it with sprinkles if you like. You are done. Refrigerate the leftovers for a maximum of 5 days.

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P.S.: Make the cupcakes 1 day in advance. Keep cupcakes covered firmly at room temperature and ice them on the day of serving. Unfrosted cupcakes can be kept for as long as 2 months.

So, that’s one of the easiest recipes for delicious cupcakes. Bake your cupcakes at home by following this short and simple ultimate chocolate cupcake recipe. We are sure that you will be baking delightful cupcakes with ease. If that’s too much for you, then you can always head on to online bakeries to avail cake delivery in Noida, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Indore, Chandigarh, or in any other city across India and abroad. Happy eating! Happy baking!


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